Application Forms

Grant Scheme

Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow

 Research and Study Grant Programme 2017

The Society invites applications for its Research and Study Grant Programme 2017.

Grants will be available to support a broad range of research and study activities in the arts, humanities, sciences and other disciplines. All aspects of the costs of research and study will be considered including travel, research networking, publication or dissemination of results, course or conference fees, pump priming for more major research projects, education, training, teaching, outreach to raise awareness in young people and the public in general or otherwise promote public engagement.

The maximum annual sum available for grants is £5,000 and the Society hopes to make several awards each year. Applicants are therefore advised that bids for sums smaller than the total available may be more likely to succeed. Applications for grants which extend over two or three years will also be considered. The maximum grant available to any one applicant will be £5,000.

Special consideration will be given to applicants who are in the early part of an academic career.

The closing date for applications will be 27th October 2017.

Application form Philsoc Research Grant 2017

Philsoc research grant t&c 2017