Welcome to The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Special Climate Change Themed Lectures for COP26
July 28th, August 11th and September 1st
An event of global importance is due to take place in Glasgow in November 2021, the CoP26 conference on climate change. We have arranged 3 expert lectures on this theme in late summer/autumn to provide members with up-to-date information relevant to Scotland and beyond. These lectures will be delivered on Zoom and made freely available to members. Details of these events will be on this site soon.
Informed, Intelligent Talk and Discussion
If you enjoy listening, discussing, debating, intellectual challenge, and gaining insight into old and new disciplines, the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow is for you.
Our speakers are national and international experts in their various fields who enjoy sharing their knowledge with an audience eager to learn more about the many things that influence our lives. A friendly atmosphere pervades all our meetings, and a complimentary drink after each lecture ensures further animated discussion. Non-members are welcome and there is disabled access.
The Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow was founded in 1802 “to aid the study, diffusion, and advancement of the arts and sciences with their applications, and the better understanding of public affairs”. Over two centuries later, it still meets regularly and the topics addressed are diverse. The Society contributes to and enriches public life in the West of Scotland. Over the years we have looked at many aspects of culture and society in the context of our national historical background.